AMP After-school Music Program

What is AMP? (Washington Afterschool Music Program)

The Washington Jazz Society has a new music education program for youth in need throughout Washington County called AMP (After-school Music Program). This program has been made possible by an initial grant through the Washington County Community Foundation. Initially students in middle school/junior high school are qualified to participate. Participating students are provided a free instrument, music, and 36 private lessons by a qualified teacher on an instrument of the students choosing. Vocal students are also encouraged to participate.

Any student or parent interested can apply online via the form below or by contacting DeDe MacTaggart at 724-263-9238. Enrollment is now open. Adults are invited to donate instruments they no longer use. The Washington Jazz Society is a 501{c} organization. Any donations are tax deductible.

Questions? Contact DeDe MacTaggart at 724-263-9238.


Interested in being notified when we are taking applications for students again? Submit your name and email below and we will notify you.

AMP's Impact

This is why we continue to do the AMP program! Below are some 'Thank Yous' from children and parents

To whoever it may concern in AMP,

When I first found out that you would be providing me with a scholarship in order to continue taking piano lessons I was so excited! With this scholarship I have been able to learn more about playing the piano which is something that I have grown to love and appreciate. It is often relaxing to just sit at the piano and play. I am very thankful to you for the piano that you provided for me. Even though I love to play the piano, it can sometimes be challenging to learn a new technique, but who doesn’t like a challenge? I am so grateful for this scholarship because of how much I have been able to practice and work to get where I am in my level of skill and dedication.

Thank you,
Isabella Jobes

To AMP Program,

Isabella has progressed over the past year with her piano playing. She is learning more challenging material! The mixture of music she is working on includes various holidays, cultures, speed and levels of difficulty. With her scholarship she has been able to continue these valuable lessons. Without her scholarship she may not have been able to continue learning and building her love for the piano. Thank you so much for this continued opportunity. We are very appreciative.

Lauren Puffing

During this past year I have really appreciated the scholarship given to me by the AMP Jazz Society. Through this scholarship I have been able to gain a new appreciation of music. This has helped me not only in school, but in my everyday life as well. I have also loved learning to play the flute during band and hope I will be able to continue to learn new instruments and to become an overall better musician.

Ada Rose Ralston

I have been deeply thankful for the AMP Jazz Society this past year for their scholarship. This Scholarship has allowed me to keep learning music and allowed me to gain a deeper knowledge of music. Throughout the scholarship I have learned many different music fundamentals, for example, I have learned how to do a correct pulse and keep the rhythm going. I hope to be able to keep on learning new music and deeper knowledge in music.

August Ralston

Dear Washington Jazz Society AMP:

Our two children August and Ada Rose have benefited enormously from the music education provided to them through the AMP program. We are thrilled by how important music is becoming to our children as they progress through their musical education. The AMP program will continue to have a long lasting influence in their lives. When they started at the beginning of the year, our kids were just beginners. Now we are seeing them start to become competent musicians. We see the joy that they get from playing (it’s not too bad to listen to either!), and we couldn’t be happier. Art and music are such and important part of making a culture and community we can be proud of. And we are so happy that our children will be a part of it. We also know they have a long road ahead of them and we hope that the AMP program will continue to support them as they learn. Thank you so much.

Christopher and  Jennifer Ralston

Hello, my name is Eva Cessna. I want to say thank you. I always wanted to take piano lessons and with this I was able to start taking them. I love my time with Karen. She makes me feel good about myself and is patient with me when I have a hard time and doesn’t make me feel bad. She is always funny and nice and this helps me relax. I hope the program continues so more kids like me can have their chance.

Eva Cessna

To whom it may concern,

First off we would like to say Thank You! This has been an amazing experience and opportunity for Eva and us as parents. Karen has been AMAZING. Eva has severe ADHD & ADD, as well as learning disabilities. Karen has been amazing, patient, kind and so much more to Eva, since it takes her longer to learn than an average child. Eva looks forward to her time with Karen each week. This has been a God send, and an opportunity for Eva to pursue her interests and love of music, while we as parents get some help being able to provide this to her with the help of the program. We can not say enough great things about Karen; she has not only taught Eva piano, she is helping her confidence and her people skills. We would love for this program to continue. It has really been amazing for our family, especially Eva!

Thank you so much,
Shawn & Liz Cessna

Dear AMP,

Your scholarship has changed a lot of my life. Without this scholarship I wouldn’t have gotten a digital piano or lessons. And with my current living situation your scholarship is the only reason that I’ve been able to continue to build upon and refine my piano skills. Without it I would be without a piano or lessons making everything I’ve learned on the piano unusable. I just wanted to thank you for everything this scholarship has done in my life!

Lucas McCue

Dear Supporters,

I would like to take this time to thank you for all of the financial support you have given to my two children over the last two years. I cannot adequately acknowledge the impact it’s had on my son, in particular.

I always believed that children should study music, both for academic support, as well as to have some form of outlet artistically. I started all of my children at age 8 on the piano. They all chose other instruments at age 10-11.

Over the course of the last two years, our family has gone through some dramatic changes. Having the consistency of going to their piano lessons with Karen (who is fantastic!) has been such a blessing. Knowing that the tuition was covered provided such a piece of mind for me. Your investment in my children is deeply appreciated. I hope to someday pay it forward.

I hope you enjoy the video of my son and daughter’s piano pieces.

Cindy Maley McCue

To The Washington Jazz Society,

My name is Gloria Acor, I am 16 years old and have been a student at JK music studio for a little under two years. The free lessons that the Washington Jazz Society has provided for me and students like me, have truly been such a blessing. I’ve been blessed to have Jim Dofka as my music instructor. He has taught me concepts like fingerpicking, timing, music theory and plenty of other things. Before starting lessons with Jim, I didn’t know how to play through the scales, or how to play barre chords as well as how to count beats and my timing was horrible! Thanks to this wonderful program, I’ve had the opportunity to grow immensely and learn far more than I thought I could. Thank you for putting this program together; It has benefited me greatly.

Gloria Acor